help: (Default)[staff profile] help wrote
on March 30th, 2024 at 03:46 pm

you can see a live preview of this layout at [personal profile] test3

go to select journal style and choose "basic" by tess.

next, go to customize your theme - this is where you will be able to edit the header of your layout.

in the custom html header section you'll post this html:
you'll need to edit the polaroid to whatever image you'd like to be there. if you don't like the polaroid, this would be an easy spot to insert just a gif or some other clipart of your choosing.

in the custom css section you'll post this html:
things you'll want to edit here are how the entries look (the top bar on the entry box that is a gradient) and the link colors. if you scroll through the style you'll see how to change the colors in the very top section and then the entries when you scroll down and see the ".entries" section. you'll notice a lot of these look just like ij.

to get rid of the links at the top of the layout go to the text section and remove everything under navigation. this is also where you can change what the comment links say.

use this guide to see a breakdown of each section you can customize.

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